Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 4

Today I woke up with text messages from my family on the east coast. They had sent me pictures of them at a family reunion that they had the night before and were asking if I could edit them. All my family knows that I am always the one in the family to take the pictures and edit them up, I have sort of a natural ability for it. I decided that I would help them out, and add the pictures to my photography portfolio for my senior project. Today, after editing the pictures for my family, I went outside and practiced "iphone photography". While doing research on the many different photography techniques I learned about a man who is making a living off of doing photography with his iphone. It also have a set of lenses for my iphone which makes the pictures come out at a lot better quality. I even have a macro lens for it, and its SO cool! I'll post the link to my portfolio as soon as I get it all set up!

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